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Train for...

I remember my first understanding of “exercise” was when I was around 16 years old (why does that feel like a lifetime ago 😅)

Unfortunately back then, exercise to me was a means to lose weight and losing weight was a means to increase my self-esteem. Fast forward almost 20 years later and exercise to me now means so much more but mostly, it’s a means to build a strong body and mind — one that will hopefully see me through until I am a hundred years old.

Moving my body has taught me a lot about myself. Though the word “exercise” normally has a physical connotation, my journey with it has surpassed the physical. Exercise has broken me down, built me up and taught me a lot of lessons and at times, has brought out sides of me I never realised I had.

One of the biggest traits I have discovered about myself through exercise is my resilience. And that no matter what life throws at me or what my body is going through, there will always be a form of movement I can turn to that will benefit my body and my mind regardless of external circumstances.

This is my hope for my clients and the people I get to serve. I hope to be able to show and teach others that movement can have purposes beyond the physical. And whilst my initial journey with health felt backwards (I wanted to “fix” the outside and thought that would somehow mirror the inside) I want to show others there are lessons and outcomes that go deeper than the superficial. That by having reasons to build a strong, happy, resilient interior (your mindset, your emotional capacity), your exterior, your *body* will then follow✌🏽

Train for mental health.

Train for stress management.

Train for increasing energy.

Train for mental clarity.

Train for connections.

Train for improved sleep.

Train for improved organ functions.

Train for stronger bones.

Train for emotional wellbeing.

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